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The originals were 8950's?

This amp has three lights (one for power, one for pre-amp, and one for TX). ?

Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Vintage Palomar Skipper 300 CB Ham Radio Linear Tube Amp Amplifier USA Made at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! We have been repairing radios for over 30 years and have helped design some of the most innovative products currently in use in today’s radio industry Repair Center Here at Superior CB we are dedicated to providing our customers with the highest quality service. Pre-Owned · Palomar00 $8 12 watching. Save this product for later. The sides of the case have heat sink cooling fins and a fan is installed near the rear of the unit for air flow. The specifications for the junction temperature for the transistors in the (new) M4V is the 2SD1446 is (max) is 200 degress CELCIUS. pull on elasticated trousers This amp has three lights (one for power, one for pre-amp, and one for TX). Welcome to CB Junkies cb radio forum your cb radio resource discussion about radios amplifiers keydowns antenna systems leece neville alternators and more. In today’s fast-paced world, it can be challenging to keep up with your favorite television shows. if it is a comet 200, aluminum face with 3 rocker switchs, black cover and heat sink fins on bottom it is not a palomar, it is a comet, same as a silver eagle, it has either 2 1446's or 2 mrf 455's and will do avg 160 or so pep 200, and is a good little box, I know the guy. Great Amplifier! Very clean. globe life eservicecenter The term push-pull has a whole different meaning when talking amplifiers than that. It uses a pair of 6DQ6's in it, which are not the original tubes. xyz is showing a hosting page Update Jun 2022 - Original site back up please support and visit cbtricks. Over 200 units completed and counting! Ham radio antenna, transceivers, coax cable & other amateur radio gear. hello kitty photos cute Find used Palomar Linear Amplifier for sale on eBay, Craigslist, Letgo, OfferUp, Amazon and others. ….

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